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Practice the craft of Disciple-making in the Word

Observation should never be seen as "how to fill out a form." No, this module is to sound a convincing and persuasive stance that this is a tectonic shift in the way the Bible is encountered. It’s no longer just a "devotional document" but one in which we can encounter the mind of Christ housed in the biblical text. This is a great opportunity to carefully distinguish the difference between a "First Reading of Scripture'' and a "Second Reading of Scripture" (from chapter 2 of True^North). In this module, and all forthcoming work, we are encountering the world of “Second Reading.” 

In the end, teaching others is the goal of the class. Not just for you to acquire skills. I will be asking you to "own" the True^North material for yourself. And the best way to take ownership is to teach someone else. If that person is not in the room, may I ask you a humbling second option? Why not try to explain Observation out loud? Try to explain

  1. Observation is... 
  2. It is different from Interpretation. For Interpretation is...
  3. There are three (3) levels of Observation. They are ...
  4. Maybe even imagine yourself "walking" your disciple-in-the-making through the first and second reading of Mark. What are you looking for? Why is reading "books as a whole" important? Why might "drawing a picture" be helpful for some?