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Bonus Material #2: A Bounded-set Vs. A Center-set Church

Once again, I am placing before you some thought-provoking material. If you are the type that likes to read and ponder, this is for you! Its my prayer that material like this may help you think more Kingdom-minded, if you so choose. 

Read the scanned chapter from Mark Baker’s book, “Center-Set Church”. He is putting into practice Paul Hiebert’s theory of “a Bounded set vs a Center set” understanding of conversion. After reading this chapter, please take a step back to compare and contrast your church’s understanding of the nature or description of Christian conversion. Summarize Baker’s definition and what he values. Do the same for your church. For me, often the best way to grasp what I believe and value is to compare it to another approach. I might word it this way, "All Churches do not define conversion the same way. In the end, this might develop fresh talking points with your small group or your disciple-in-the-making.